モノやコトの“隠れた本質”を捉える着眼点や斬新な表現手法に、イベントプロデュースから、町興しのオファーも集まる。 写真家としてのクリエイティビティを活かした幅広い創作活動を得意とする。 カルティエの撮影や米国マサチューセッツ工科大学で講演、コロンビア「FOTOGRAFICA BOGOTA 2015」に招聘されての講演、海外からも高い評価を得ている。

2012年、富士山作品に関連してパリのユネスコ本部から唯一招聘され写真展示を開催。2016年8月には、富士山頂浅間大社奥宮にて画家Yutaka Murakamiと共に個展を開催した。


2000年に20代向けフォトカルチャー誌「PHaT PHOTO」を創刊。 編集長&発行人として、若者マーケットが不在といわれた写真業界に新ジャンルを確立した。 2017年よりWEBマガジン化。

「Have a nice PHOTO!」




Masato Terauchi
Born in the city of Toyama in 1954. He went independent in 1991 after working for Nippon Jitsugyo Publishing. He is a photographer who has long been noticed for his unique form of expression in everything from portraits, landscapes, products to spaces. Along the way, he has shot portraits of over 6,000 celebrities, such as actors, models, performers, and executives. Many of them swear they will only let Mr. Terauchi take their pictures.
He also gets offers for everything from event production to town development due to his points of focus and new methods of expression that capture the “hidden essence” of tangible and intangible things.
He took a posting as a policy participant for the city of Toyama in October 2014. He also took a posting as the Art Ambassador for Higashisonogi-cho in Nagasaki Prefecture in January 2015.
His specialty is leveraging this creativity as a photographer across a broad range of creative activities.
In 2000, he launched a photo culture magazine called “PHaT PHOTO” targeting people in their twenties.
As both editor and publisher, he established a new genre in the world of photography said to be uninhabited by the youth market.
As the magazine grew, he demonstrated his skill as a producer.
He served as the comprehensive producer of the “Onaeba” participatory photography event, which does not refuse challengers and that was also held in the New York Photo Festival in 2011. He went on to provide venues where “encounters” connected the dreams of photo fans could take place and where he discovered a great deal of talent such that, after the event, some participants were chosen to exhibit their photographs at New York galleries. Later on, as “Onaeba” continues to develop, in 2018 it will approach its 23rd exhibition.
He has also been successful as a manager in expanding and diversifying organizations bundling not only as a magazine editor, but photo classes, photo events, and photography departments, captivating voices of acclaim, not only for his accomplishments within the world of photography, but from the business world for his achievements in a career that transcends that of a conventional photographer.
He has shot for Cartier, lectured at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US, and, in 2012, he was the only person invited by UNESCO headquarters in Paris, at which the event was held within the UNESCO headquarters in Paris at the Ile de Acto gallery to hold its photo exhibition related to Mount Fuji pieces. He is also highly acclaimed overseas and, in 2015, was invited to lecture at “FOTOGRAFICA BOGOTA 2015” in Columbia. In August 2016, he held an exhibit together with the painter Yutaka Murakami at the Sengen Taisha Shrine Okumiya at the summit of Mount Fuji.
On May 16, 2018, he published his latest photo collection “Tahiti: In Between Day and Night.”